Stop Drinking and Start Living- The Feminine Way

The Hangover Cure Nobody's Heard About

Mary Wagstaff

We've all been there. Totally sick or disappointed from doing the thing you said you wouldn't do, DRINK. 

This ONE simple thing will not only change how you feel after a night of drinking, but it will interrupt the cycle from happening again later, because you will be feeling better. 

It's also a trick you can use when you don't show up with integrity in another area of life. Use it often, share it, change your life. And don't bring yesterday's disappointment into tomorrow.  

It's time to GLOW-UP and just in time for the warm weather. Shake off the stagnant, stuck energy and activate your aliveness. Book a Sober Glow-Up Activation Session HERE. You can turn your story around with ONE decision.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast and its contents are not a substitute for rehabilitation, medical treatment or advice. It is for educational and inspirational purposes. I am not a therapist or doctor. The views here are expressed a personal opinion and based on first hand experience. Please consult a doctor if your mental or physical health is at risk.

Mary Wagstaff:

Music. Welcome to stop drinking and start living the feminine way. I'm your hostess. Mary Wagstaff, holistic alcohol coach and feminine embodiment guide here to help you effortlessly release alcohol by reclaiming your feminine essence. Sobriety isn't just about quitting drinking, it's about removing the distortions that keep you disconnected, overwhelmed and stuck in cycles of numbing. Each week, I'll share powerful tools, new perspectives that transform and deeply relatable stories to help you step into the power pleasure and purpose that it is to be a woman. This is your next evolution of awakened empowerment. Welcome to the feminine way. Welcome back to the show. My beautiful listeners, welcome. Welcome to anyone that's new. You are invited into the circle. How have you been enjoying these podcasts? I'm just so grateful to be back. I'm so grateful to be here. I literally made an entire note in my phone a podcast for seriously 50 episodes, because I want to bring some short, sweet, but potent things to you all to take away. I've been listening to this really beautiful devotional podcast called Good morning, or God morning, by a woman named curly Nikki. Curly Nikki, if you're listening, I want to have you on the show, because I want to talk about the importance of solitude and devotion and silence, and this is what she talks about all the time. But her, I look forward to her. Episodes are short. They're like nine to seven minutes, but she does them as an act of devotion every single morning. And so shout out to curly Nikki. She's changed my life. And yeah, I invite you to check her out. So this episode is going to be so short and sweet, because it's one thought. This thought is going to be such a game changer. And I you can use this. This is not just for when you're hungover, when alcohol is it has impacted you, but it will be so useful if you are still drinking, if you are in that moment. And you can also use it if you're already on a sobriety journey, but you are faced with a really strong urge or trigger. Okay. Are you ready? Write it down. I can turn this around so so much of the time, what happens when? And I'm just going to use the example of being hungover from alcohol, or waking up the next day and feeling disappointed because you said you You did what you said you weren't going to do, even if you're not, like sick, right? I just remember at the end, like the last, like year before I really started to get curious, and I was actually still drinking, when the impact of alcohol stopped affecting me so negatively, like affecting my inner critic and affecting the way I felt about myself. And it was that first initial shift, and this is the initial shift my clients make two that have the biggest impact, because most people come here and stop drinking, stop drinking right away, because we're talking about it all the time, and they finally have this catalyst that just is like, okay, it flips the switch for them. But some people don't. And I say that taking your last sip isn't the first step for this reason, because I gave myself full permission to drink. I said, like and I talked about, I talk about this in the activation circle. Call that I share is, you are a grown woman, drink, just do it and own it, own it, own it, own it. And I was said this with so much loving care, own it. And as soon as I said, own it, I was like, hell no, you're not going to tell me what to do, right? Like it just it flipped the script, where the where I now had a choice. And that is exactly what this thought does as well. I can turn this around so you wake up not feeling great, and it's like you have the choice to let yesterday come with you into today, which takes so much more work than to decide I'm going to turn this around and your the physical impacts actually shift as well. When the mental impacts shift, it's so much easier to decide to do something different than it is to take yesterday's energy with you, right? Like to hold a grudge. Takes so much more work than to let it go, than to forgive someone, than to to see their intention right, or to just decide, I'm going to protect my peace. I'm not going to let someone else's behavior impact my peace. It takes it is so much easier to decide. Decide to let it go than to hold on to it. And it in the impact in that moment, and it will inspire you later, because you're going to be feeling better, to not have a drink again, to not continue the cycle, because in that moment, you're giving yourself a choice where you didn't have one before. So so much of the journey of awakening in the feminine way and sobriety and the five shifts is finding choice, where you felt like you had none, where you felt like nothing was working, is looking for and this is a wildly new perspective. So we don't have to have regret, we don't have to have remorse, but we can find a wildly new perspective to release the past and to change the future. And so actually, curly Nikki had said this. And I don't know if it was her words or someone else's, but, or, actually, no, it was. It was something from Neville Goddard, and she talks about Neville Goddard was repentance. Isn't feeling shame and feeling bad for what you've done. It's being able to see something completely different so you can do it differently in the future, right? And this is your opportunity say you, you know you yell at your kids when you say you aren't going to or you don't show up in a way that you're going to like you. You wanted to go to the gym every day this week, and you didn't do didn't You didn't do the gym, or you ate things that you said you weren't going to eat because they cause inflammation. Right? Well, in that moment when you right before you go to bed at night, you can decide, I'm gonna turn this around right like it's just, it's one more moment. The next moment is a pivot point for your future. I want you. I want you to see how many times you can apply this and how it makes such a big shift. The words alone, just say them out loud. I can turn this around. It makes it light. It makes it casual. It doesn't put all this weight and these restrictions and these rules on anything. And you get to decide. Michael singer says, You're the only one in there. You're the only one in there like no one else is telling you to hold it inside of you. And he also says, Why do we hold the stuff inside that hurts us the most, all the crap we just keep pushing down inside of us? Let that shitaki Go. You can turn this around, take it, apply it, use it, and see how much lightness you get from it, and how it impacts that repetitive cycle of shame and guilt that makes you want to drink again or that doesn't help you step into the new version of yourself to change, bring it to the light, see the future version of yourself going into that moment and say, change. That's the old me. I can turn this around, right? So in that moment where you're choosing and you have the urge, you have the trigger. It's like, Nope, I can turn this around. I'm gonna go for a walk. I can turn this around. I'm gonna close my eyes and do some deep breathing. Three deep breaths will immediately, with your eyes closed, you find the silence inside. You tell yourself, I'm gonna turn this urge around. You will release it and but you gotta do it. You gotta try. Okay, you're awesome. You wild, wild, crazy ladies. I love you so much, and I'll talk to you soon. If something in today's episode spoke to you deeply you are ready for your next level of awakening, and I want to invite you to book a sober glow up activation session with me where we can rewrite your alcohol story. Right now, we'll remove the energetic blocks that are keeping you stuck and stagnant to activated and alive, to book a session and to learn more, just follow the link right here in the show notes, or head on over to my website, Mary Wagstaff and find out what it means to truly live life from your most authentic self, I will See you over there. You