Stop Drinking and Start Living

Release The Alcohol Story & Honor Your Deep Knowing

December 21, 2020 Mary Wagstaff Season 1 Episode 65
Stop Drinking and Start Living
Release The Alcohol Story & Honor Your Deep Knowing
Show Notes Transcript

Your story around alcohol is just that, conditioned beliefs that create a judgment about what's possible. You don't need to replace them with Sober Living Is Better. You can simply allow the resistance to change and ask, can I simply let this go? Can I make space for what I KNOW deep down to be true? Then the process of shifting alcohol is allowing the resistance to feel, to change to be with how you naturally show up. One this auspicious day as time stands still, can you become quiet enough to hear the truth of your light shining through? It is enough.

You don't need to replace alcohol with sobriety, you replace it with more of you.
Start your journey on a private call with Mary. Schedule HERE.
For questions and podcast inquiries. 

Transform your relationship with alcohol by focusing on yourself. Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help. Understand your body's signals, leverage your emotions, and expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join "The Naturally Sober Woman" self-study course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package. 

Awakened sobriety! Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help, labels or missing out! Expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join The Awakened Sobriety Self Study Course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package.

Welcome, welcome. My name is Mary Wagstaff. I am a holistic alcohol coach who ended a 20 year relationship to alcohol without labels, counting days or ever making excuses. Now I help women just like you from around the world do the same with my one on one private coaching program. In this podcast, we will explore my revolutionary approach to getting alcohol out of your way that breaks all the rules, life enhancing tools that make not drinking exciting and joyful and profound and sacred journey that it is to rediscover who you are on the other side of alcohol. The show is not a substitution for rehabilitation, medical treatment or advice. So please talk to a medical professional if your alcohol consumption is at risk to your mental or physical health. Now on with the show. Hello my beautiful listeners. It's Mary Wagstaff. I thought on this auspicious day and occasion of the winter solstice, it feels like such a magical moment more than more than any time of this year so far. And I wanted to bring you just alive ritual inquiry and note to say thank you so much for your participation in your self inquiry and communing with me. And through the process of the container that I've created through the podcast. I've facilitated through the podcast, we are collectively creating a container and knowing that we are never truly alone, the illusion, our feeling of separateness is an illusion. And all you need to know is I'm here at the creek and you are in my thoughts and together are movements, from moment to moment to moments create a momentum and a ripple that affects everything else on this planet. And so I am down here by the creek at the at the back of our property. And I've never really decided or known if this creek had a name, I never really looked it up. And I'm just taking a little bit of a break from some calls that I have today. And so it is the winter solstice. And it's a beautiful opportunity to find in this moment, the sacred pause, this standing still of time of the dark, being more prevalent. And as slowly as the year turns and the wheel turns again this year, we start to enter in more light. But rather than getting crazy in the consumer driven New Year of creating, you know, resolutions and goals, and all of those things, I think it's a really beautiful opportunity to pause for the next couple of months until imbolc in February, to really sit in the darkness and being with the difference between a belief that you've been carrying around with you around alcohol, your belief that alcohol is needed in your life in some way that it does create fun or connection or is the only way to get through something. And asking yourself if you're ready to let that go. And what your truth is, what is your deep knowing about you, and a life where alcohol is no longer needed. And the invitation today isn't to just trade one belief for another. So not deciding that I'm ready to live an alcohol free life and that you start to identify with a lifestyle of just sobriety right. But that you can simply allow that belief to melt away to make space for what wants to naturally come through to be more of a fuller expression of who you are. And there's this illusion that we've talked about on the show that alcohol creates fun and connection and a more expression of who you are. But when we add alcohol into our lives, we know that it takes away the present moment. A takes away the availability for the present moment and the present moment is all that we truly have the present moment Where we experience peace, where we experience conscious rest and relaxation, where we can experience the fullness of who we are void of labels of judgments of emotion. And we just let everything that is naturally B. And we come to our senses, and we can see the green and the dew drops and listen to the sounds, what I've been noticing about water as because it takes shape, the environment for which it's in it has many different sounds. And I liken this to the many different emotions, right, the emotional self is represented by the element water. And so down by the river is roaring and thundering, and babbling and popping and clapping, and swishing. And some of it sounds really gentle, and some of it sounds really harsh and intense, but it still flows nonetheless. So what are you ready to shed? What is the belief that you've been carrying around, which is just simply a thought pattern. And then the physical sensations we deal with, and they're quite easy, once we decide what our truth is about alcohol, our truth about alcohol is different from the belief that you've been carrying around. And this takes a present moment experience to tap into. If you had no influence from the outer worlds, of what alcohol looked like, in a societal way, and a marketing way, expectations of the other? What would you choose? What do you know? In your depth of your heart, and your deep connection to your divinity, remembering that you are just as much human as you are divine? And that we are in this earth walk, embodied light? What does that essence of you truly know? And there comes this energy or emotion sometimes with the absence of belief with the absence of the pressure, that really if there is no wrong, if there just is, if emotions just are, then what now what if I can really throw my to do list out and know everything will be okay, then what do I do? And so there's this energy, maybe boredom, or loneliness, and killing Can Can you just sit with that, can you just sit and be with that experience and let that be an experience, and has that only become a conditioned belief as well, that without the constant doing and constant achieving, that we've become, you know, kind of addicted to that as well. And so just like we deconstruct the habit of alcohol, in a physical, spiritual and emotional way, we too can deconstruct the habit of doing this. And there can be of course, we have to make decisions and take action, but there can be a presence and a being inside of that doing this. So it's about the how you show up. And with that, how with that presence, you end up gaining so much more time. So much more space, to let flow in what feels good, what feels natural, even if there is resistance. So there's that fine line and between what I should do, and what I don't really want to do, but I really want the end result, right. So there is some resistance to the change of alcohol in your life because it's been habitual. It's a very easy way for you to get from A to be too relaxed to letting go. But there is another path to be. You just need to practice it. And right now in this deep, deep darkness, this stillness, this standing still of the solstice, the invitation is to just be with what's present, to not rush to change it, to feel the resistance to to uncover the beliefs to let it bubble up to offer Simply who you are, that is all. And then come springtime, you gain clarity, you really been able to release without replacing. So that's really where it's at right now this is a time of rest and renewal. So don't, don't let the outer world trick you into thinking that you need to take action January 1. Because it's all always happening all the time. Right. And so you can start taking action, by resting, you can start taking action by contemplating by being witness, by shifting your perspective. I hope you have an amazing magical day, I just came down here and I have a greenhouse, it's quite empty right now. But um, there's still some kameel flowers. So something that you could do for a ritual for yourself today is to find yourself out in nature somewhere, and maybe bring an herb essential oil or a piece of fruit, something that has a very 100%, natural essence, or even some tea, and take some deep breaths with that. And then ask yourself, What am I ready to shed? What is my belief about alcohol? And can I let it go? Can I be with it? And then can I let it go? And with that, letting go What am I making space for? What is my deep knowing and my truth about alcohol in my life, and more and more what I know about the relationship and the presence of alcohol in our society, is that it's not shifting labels, that it is becoming simply less and less of a desire and need a want. That it almost is a big fallacy that we're people are clinging to and we know just isn't important, it's not necessary. And we are seeing a shift in the desire of sobriety simply based on evolutionary needs, the alcohol is no longer needed. And maybe it never was, but it will not be needed and actually it will be more of a hindrance and become create and cause even more pain than it already has. Because we will be fighting our evolution is going to be fighting against it. So this is really sobriety for the Aquarian Age. And you know, it may not be causing great stress. And you know, these rock bottom experiences, but what it is causing as heartache, and it is causing a deep disconnect from aligning with your truest and highest self. Because when we have anything, any belief, any substance, any thing we cling to, that we attached to, we lose the ability to connect in the deepest level to ourselves and to our, to our humanity to our divinity. So yeah, I was nice. I hope that you guys had to watch this video, and it was lovely to see you. Of course, I'm available always for any questions. And if you would like to take your work further, I am really looking forward to some new additions to my private one on one work for the new year. Have more revelations for myself and things that I'm offering to my clients and to you if you find the need. And thank you again so much for your presence here. And I hope you have a wonderful, magical holiday season. And you enjoy this beautiful sacred pause of this time of the year as we move into this, this great conjunction that's happening in the stars and the planetary alignment. But that's also happening inside of us as well. So the invitation is to just be to just be in breathe, and lift the corners of your mouth a little bit and see how that shifts your day. Wow. So much love. blessed to be Hey, if you are loving this podcast, you are definitely ready for the next step. I would love to invite you to learn my three shifts process to interrupt any craving and get you started on your journey to finding freedom from alcohol. All you need to do is click the link in the show notes or on my website Mary Wagstaff coach comm to schedule a private call with me. You will leave the call with the tools for success and feeling confident and Excited about entering into your new phase of life and it's completely free to you. I look forward to connecting