Stop Drinking and Start Living

Ep. #51 Blind Beliefs

November 04, 2020 Mary Wagstaff Season 1 Episode 51
Stop Drinking and Start Living
Ep. #51 Blind Beliefs
Show Notes Transcript

Today we explore how your story about alcohol is not the based on TRUE facts. It is based on repetitive thinking and proving the same limiting thoughts true over and over again, through practice and evidence in the outer world. There is a good reason for these beliefs. In some ways they have served you and even protected you.

How your current beliefs around alcohol are preventing you from finding a solution to the problem of alcohol getting in the way of living your best life.

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Transform your relationship with alcohol by focusing on yourself. Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help. Understand your body's signals, leverage your emotions, and expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join "The Naturally Sober Woman" self-study course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package. 

Awakened sobriety! Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help, labels or missing out! Expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join The Awakened Sobriety Self Study Course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package.

Welcome, welcome. My name is Mary Wagstaff. I am a life coach who ended a 20 year relationship with alcohol without labels, counting days, or ever making excuses. In this podcast, we will explore my revolutionary approach to quitting alcohol that breaks all the rules, amazing stories from women who are throwing a better party because of it, and how you can stop drinking and start living. The show is not a substitute for rehabilitation, medical treatment or advice. Please talk to a health professional if your alcohol consumption is a risk to your mental and physical health. Now on with the show. Hello, my beautiful listeners, thank you so much for being here for another episode. It is truly my high honour to create this content, bring it to you and be helping women all over the world really face the fear of what you have believed it means to have a relationship with alcohol and then confronting that, to answer that call of your highest and best self, so that you can get on with living your best life. And you're here, because part of you does believe that that's possible, you have seen proof in the outer world. And I'm so excited because today we're going to talk all about belief. So I hope you had an amazing weekend and you got to take in some of the full moon vibes, there is definitely a lot of energy in the field and in the collective. So be in your body. I've been really doing this practice of the body being the medicine of the moment. So when I mean of the moment like now, if I need a quick fix, not feeling awesome, which is totally okay, and totally normal, because of thoughts that are created in my head. But sometimes it's like I need to get on with things. So I move my joints, I circulate the joints, do a little spinal flexion go outside, do a big breath in stretch my arms up overhead and a nice exhale out. And it changes everything. And then I can kind of dissipate some of that cloudy thinking and come back and be like, okay, what's the truth here. So we're going to talk all about that today about how our beliefs create our reality, and how we have these overlapping beliefs about alcohol, we think we love it, we think it's gonna be so hard to quit. But even though we don't even really, even though we don't really like it anymore, so you have so many conflicting beliefs going on in your brain, that the first step is really that place of observation, right. And so this is part of the five elemental shifts that I take my clients through compassion, observation, curiosity, but so you call out your beliefs, first, you have to really be able to see them. What I wanted to let you know, and I'm so excited about this is I'm going to be starting a new round of coaching this month. So I have a few spots open. And if you have been interested in what it what it means to do one on one coaching, I will love to invite you to jump on a call with me, it really is the opportunity not only to change your relationship with alcohol, and you don't have to be alcohol free to do it. But to next level your entire life to gain so much control over how you respond to the world. And to really get a firm grasp on what you do, in fact, have control over in this life. So that the things that are out of your control, you start to see as neutral. And the belief that it's really hard to change your relationship to alcohol, I want to call that out right now. It's just simply that you haven't had the tools in the past to approach it from a place of compassion and a place of observation. My first year alcohol free and I don't even really use that label, because I choose and every moment was the best year of my life on record. Like I was so excited. And was it shaky? Were there a lot of emotions? Absolutely. But I had the tools to support that and I wasn't judging discomfort. One of my coaches says that discomfort is the currency for change. And it is so true. And I would just love for you to get on the call. See what's possible. And imagine think about if you're still in this same pain, the same mind drama in one year from now. How will you feel you have to ask Ask yourself, what is the cost of another year of this drama, this energy this drinking? What is the value of my life right now? And am I ready and unwilling to invest the time in myself, because your brain is the most valuable thing in this planet that you can invest in, there is nothing outside of your brain that can create more happiness for you than managing your mind and understanding the inner world of emotion, being able to come back and learn the body's wisdom. So there will be a link in the show notes. You can also go on the website, a Mary Wagstaff, Coach calm, but there's a direct link for my scheduling app in the show notes. So just go there, pick a time and I would love to meet you and say hi. And today is going to be an amazing episode. Today we're talking about blind beliefs, we have so many beliefs around alcohol, why it's amazing and why it's so hard to quit, that it really is just getting in the way of making a decision. So today, we're going to talk about how your current beliefs around alcohol are preventing you from finding a solution to the problem of alcohol, getting in the way of you living your best life. Right, you're here for that reason, we're going to explore how your story about alcohol is not really based on true facts. It's simply based on repetitive thinking and proving the same limiting thought true over and over again, just simply through practice, and then evidence in our outer world. And there's a good reason for those beliefs. Usually, they're protect you to protect you from feeling some sort of negative emotion, from having a hard conversation about needing help from, you know, deciding that you're going to try a new way to relax instead of why from confronting the ways that you really feel about certain people that you spend time with. And some ways they have served you and even protected you. But right now, you're here because you're in a new place in life, and you're ready to make change. When you are thinking about not drinking, you think forever. And it just feels terrifying, because that's one of your beliefs. If I don't drink, it's got to be forever. Your brain knows the story that there's only two options. Either you drink or you don't drink, and you would like to moderate. But that hasn't worked in the past. So you feel stuck alone and isolated. If you decide to quit drinking, the only way you know how to right now. And you only believe that there's two options to fail again, or to live a life of deprivation. So right now you're like thinking about it, but you're not committing to just making the decision to see because you need to have like that escape plan. When we, when we think about this way of drink of quitting alcohol, you think that it's going to be a life of more rules and more labels, which is even further from the control. The alcohol has, you know, kind of has over you right now, which it doesn't. But there's also that belief that, you know, we're powerless to alcohol, and then we'll be powerless on the other side of it. But none of that's true. Because in every moment, you're making a decision, every moment. Tomorrow morning, I could wake up and never do this podcast again, never see my clients and just walk out my front door. I literally could do that. Now what I have consequences for those actions, absolutely. But I'm still in control of the decisions that I make. And we just don't think that we are because we don't believe that there's a different possibility on the other side for us. You think that there's only one way to change your relationship to alcohol. And if you decide to not drink, and you don't have that backup of like that escape plan, because you feel like you need to declare it to the world that's even more scary. It's like, Oh my God, if I say this, then I'm gonna be like drinking in the closet. It's gonna be terrifying. It simply brings your beliefs about what's possible with alcohol into awareness and understanding about what you can control what you can influence and what you'll never have control over. So this is the work that we're doing, bringing your beliefs about what's possible with alcohol into your understanding, because when we think when we have beliefs about the ways in which the world affects us, that we'll never have control over. We're also limiting ourselves there. So when we think the circumstances outside of us are really what's affecting our emotions and we don't believe that it's our thoughts creating our feelings, then we're really limited. So if you've been listening to the show for a while, you should understand by now that the our thoughts and our beliefs are have the or the direct correlation to our feelings, even if their thoughts and beliefs about a person, or about a certain situation or about ourselves. The only thing we have control over is ourselves. We can influence other people by asking for what we need by having a conversation and agreeing upon expectations. But that still doesn't even guarantee that all beliefs start in your brain. We're not born with preconceived notions about you know, both certain beliefs we're taught to be socialised. We are taught from a framework that someone else decided what is right and wrong, right and wrong are judgments of a human brain. And now, you would probably argue with us, but it's true. They just don't they don't exist in nature without someone to say so like in the animal kingdom, and with the trees, like there's no right or wrong, there just is they just be along the way you have questioned some of your beliefs and decided new one. So you have proof already that beliefs can change. You just don't think alcohol works the same way right now. So maybe it was about love or religion or a career having a family. And you decided that the way you believed whether it was something that someone told you a story you were born into, that it wasn't true, maybe you thought Someone once told you to be successful, you have to become a doctor or a lawyer. And then you decided that wasn't true for you so that you made a different decision. And you proved that belief wrong. And now you have new beliefs a new, you know, a new belief, because you had new thoughts that created that, and then you proved it by experience. So sometimes, we have to have the experience, before the feeling about believing that thing feels better, right? So when you first are changing your relationship to alcohol, and my clients come to me and they they don't necessarily believe that all of the things about alcohol that they think are awesome, aren't awesome, but they believe that there's something different on the other side of it, they believe that quitting doesn't have to be impossible, or changing their relationship doesn't have to be impossible. So they believe that enough, but the feelings are still like not that great, but they're really, really willing to feel that scared, kind of confused, but they're feeling it and we learn how to process emotions through that process. But once they practice it enough, and then they prove it. That's when you create a real belief. So you just start thinking new thoughts that are going to get you there. Like, I know that this is possible, because I've seen it I know how I can have pleasure in other ways I've disproven other beliefs. So you start to just create new thoughts. And then eventually the feeling and the thoughts meet match. And then you have a belief. So there was a point in my life where I never believed I would be able to buy a house right? I had all these thoughts about what that needed, that I needed all this downpayment money, that it wasn't for me that I didn't make enough money. And then I proved all those wrong once I but I, I believe that I never wanted to be a mother. When I was really little, I believed that I wanted to work at McDonald's, that that would be like the coolest job ever. And they also believe that I would always listen to new kids on the block that they were going to be my jam forever. I once believed that I would always be a drinker and alcohol would forever be a part of my life in some way. And all those beliefs are changed, right? So you kind of have to look at like what did I once believed? I mean, culturally, we once thought cigarettes were good and fine for you. And now we know we believe that those are wrong because we have evidence for them. Now you don't need to wait for quote unquote science to tell you something. There's a lot of bias in research in science around alcohol because of other people's limiting beliefs, even in the medical community. But it doesn't matter what other people believe it matters what you want. So my beliefs changed, because I believe I have the thought that something else was possible. I started thinking new thoughts in line with that possibility with that future focus. And so some of them were more natural. Obviously, as I aged, my preference for certain things change. I didn't keep fighting to keep the posters on my wall for new kids and that like dedicating my life to Donnie Wahlberg, and when it comes to alcohol, the beliefs are hard won. And when I say that, I mean, you didn't earn you, you don't earn the habit easily, although it's not like you don't see it. At first, but you've spent 20 3040, even maybe 50 years practising thoughts about why alcohol is so important to you. And most of this is just happening under the radar. But again, you're just not conscious of these thoughts. And that's another thing to really want you to take away from this episode, you're not aware of the thoughts that strengthen the belief that all is boring, it makes you feel discouraged that there is no other options for you. So you don't seek a solution. You accept that your current relationship with alcohol is the only way. What I do with my clients as we just break it down, all the beliefs, all the emotions, all the actions that go along with it, we bring what's happening on the back end of the mind into the light and observe it without judgement, we evaluate every single step of the way, and we retest it, this is so freakin powerful, I can't even tell you when you just start to talk about the ways in which you like the mind drama, and the ways in which you kind of seek approval from other people or waiting for other people to make decisions from you, and how that takes away your power. When you really bring it forward without judgement or the ways that you you know, compounding judgement, shaming yourself for feeling sad, or for it being hard. And you actually get to say this out loud to someone and really look at it. It's so empowering, it's very invigorating to So right now you think if I quit drinking, then I can never drink again. And what if I fail, and then again, this makes you feel nervous. So you defer to your old patterning, to change the feeling. So these beliefs are keeping you in your loop. Because you're not seeing that the that the the limiting belief is creating a negative feeling, which you're not willing to feel. And so then you just default to drinking, which helps you not feel the feeling and then relieves that tension. Every time this happens. And it doesn't, you know, you try but it doesn't last, it actually strengthens those beliefs, because you have proven them true, but you're not bringing them to the light to see what they're really about. Understanding beliefs are not facts, and that they're just thoughts you have on repeat that have served some purpose. And the past is so so so, so important. So just remember that our beliefs are what create our feelings and what our create our reality. So if right now you're just sitting and doom and gloom, like that's how you're gonna, you're just thinking that everything's terrible, it's not gonna work. Alcohol is the only way. I mean, of course, you feel like crap. And of course, you're just going to want to drink more. One of the reasons it's so hard to see the positive on the other side of alcohol as we because we've created a life that has proved the need for the presence of alcohol to be true. The places we go, the people we spend time with the information we take in everything that has been created by a human being in the world was because they believed it was possible first. So I'm here to tell you that there are a lot of amazing empowered women living their better life alcohol free like they are, we are throwing a better party on the other side of alcohol is so true. And it feels so amazing to not like not that there's not issues but you have that clarity that you can handle it. And even if there wasn't, even if no one else had proven to you that they could do this and enjoy, like if I wasn't here saying it. And even if that wasn't true, and you didn't see it, but on some level, that's what you want it you want it to not want alcohol and feel amazing. What's stopping you from believing in yourself and creating the life that you want. And so here's some common beliefs that my clients come to me with that we get to disprove as true. I have to stop drinking to change the habit. Taking your last sip isn't the first step. I've said that time and time again, you do not have to stop drinking to change the habit. You have to become aware and curious and compassionate. And you have to bring what's been in the subconscious to the light. I have to tell people something about me and my drinking, like I have to make up a label or like, excuse myself, not true. I won't know how to get turned on. I won't know how to be intimate with my partner. I'll have to create a new label for myself. So I don't know if you go around telling people you're a drinker you like put that in your profile or you show up someplace you're like I'm a drinker. You don't do that. Now you don't have to do it later. I can can't ever drink again. And if I do, I have to start over Nope, you don't lose those days you have awareness, once you see something you can't unsee it, life is going to be dull and boring. I can't tell you that is the complete opposite of that. The idea of feeling the effects of alcohol right now. Sounds so terrible to me that like I am so in love with just feeling my natural state, even if it doesn't feel awesome, I feel so in control. Or even if when in moments, if I don't feel in control, I know I have choices that I don't have to default to this crutch anymore. I'm always going to want it right. That's what some models like an A, it's like you're powerless to alcohol. And you're going to be like living in this deprivation, that's just not true. Like you can want something and then unwanted. And I think that that, you know, outgrowing the preference, that makes it just easier. Like just tell yourself, I just have outgrown this, I just don't want it anymore. And then the urges just fade away, I can't connect with my friends. If intimacy is only found under a glass of wine, then maybe there's not a connection there. You know, you just you have to question all these, but we disapprove these, I'll make other people uncomfortable. You are not responsible for other adults emotions. All of these beliefs, create feelings in your body feelings that you don't like that you judge is bad or wrong. So you find the beliefs that make you feel good. And those are the justifications and excuses for why it's okay to keep drinking. So you have all those reasons why you can't change it, and then you don't like that. So then you give yourself reasons for why it's okay. And then again, proving your limiting beliefs correct and perpetuating a cycle. So one of the other things is like, you try it once, and it didn't work so that, so it's never gonna work for you. But when Has that ever been the way that we learn things as people never, we don't just simply try once and it sticks in, you didn't learn to like alcohol that way, either you tried it and tried it again, until the pleasure overrode that pain of the taste of alcohol and the negative effects, right? It was a it wasn't a taste that you liked, and you had to learn to like it. And the body in mind is so brilliant that it does know how to protect itself from danger. But drugs are tricky with the body because they're human made, the mind thinks that the pleasure is actually good for the for the body. But right now for you, because of the way that your body is changing. As you get older, there's the tipping point is actually starting to swing the other way. And your intelligence, your awareness and your body itself, the imbalance is starting to catch on. And so whether it's just through a greater awareness, and because you want more out of your life, or where there's just actual physiological implications, the negative effects are now beginning to outweigh the pleasure. But so you just all you have is that that habitual thought patterning and the pleasure, you're kind of just chasing right now because of the habit that thinks you need it. But you're not really wanting it anymore. And that's when most of my clients come to me. And that's how I was I was like, I was headed like kind of force the belief that I did still want it. So it's just a funny process that like you can kind of laugh about once you start bringing it all out into the light. And the truth is, is right now you just don't know how to get your way to that final destination, because you've never gotten there. You've been doing this for 30 years or more, right? And you don't take a road trip to a new place without a map. You don't just decide, I'm going to just learn this thing. You know, I didn't pick up my ukulele and just learn a new song. I mean, I watched a tutorial right? I learned what the notes were and how what chords look like, on the computer and from a teacher. And that's what's so amazing about coaching is you, you get to figure it out for yourself, but you have someone there with with the map guiding you and saying, well, this is the exit you can get off here and you get to decide. But I've done this work and I've evaluated it with my clients and I know the essential elements to get you from A to B without being in pain without making it feel like the end of the world. If you do side, the alcohol is no longer for you, you get to step into that emotional adulthood of deciding as a mature woman, I just don't like this anymore. And that's, that's enough. New results require new thoughts. That's kind of the bottom line. And then new beliefs are formed by thinking new thoughts again and again. So you must practice them, you don't just try once and say, resist this alcohol, like it never existed as part of your life. I mean, when you think about how can I just ignore this, and it's just going to go away, when you've spent so much time and energy and creating literally grooves in your brain, it just doesn't work like that. So just give yourself some patience and compassion and practice. You know, just like riding a bike, you gotta show up to keep doing it. And it's a little hard to see it sometimes. Because it's not like a tangible thing, until you start to see how it's changing your your life. But think about being a mom or a partner or a new employee, you've seen others do it, you know, you have the skills. So you keep showing up evaluating it and trying it again, because it matters to you. And because you want to become you want that result. Like for me, I want to really be a present and aware mom, so I kind of evaluate all the time, like when I'm not really present, how that changes the relationship and then dynamic and how it gets the results in my life, I don't really feel good. And then there's not a lot of learning done, or we're not really having the best of time. Because you have tried to not drink in the past. And it didn't stick you also now believe that quitting drinking is really hard and painful. And the feeling of deprivation will last forever. And that is something that I thought too, until one day I asked myself, why is it so hard to just not drink a beverage? Like if you kind of break it down? Why is it so hard to not drink a beverage, that's all that it is right? So we look at it as like this big drama. Because of all of those, we have so many beliefs around alcohol, that when you start unravelling them, it's kind of crazy. And it's a little bit laughable, because that's literally all it is I'm not drinking a beverage. And so then rather waiting for the cravings or the urge and hiding under the sheets to even trying to do something positive, like going to yoga or taking a walk. Or keep busy watching movies or eating ice cream, I started to create a new belief plan. And I didn't just start with something I didn't believe, which was my ultimate goal was I'm so grateful that I no longer want to drink. You know, that was my ultimate goal. I didn't want to want to I didn't want to be in deprivation. But that wasn't true then. So instead, I just had to shift my focus to what I'm offering to you is this process of observation and curiosity with compassion. So I just ditched the judgement. I really just started like looking at my beliefs, are they true? I looked at new things as that first DS, as a kind of as an experiment of what was possible. Instead of looking at it as like this really hard thing that I had to figure out, I just let it kind of be from a new light and a new perspective. And I did know other women who I really admired greatly, that were alcohol free and living an amazing life like super successful, fun, amazing people. And there was also noticing in the outer world that like, there's a lot of people that don't drink, and they were out doing fun things. And I was even saying yes to new things and engaging with new people who may drink once in a while. But it just like wasn't their main jam. And it was really easy for them. And so I was also noticing that too, like there was so many other possibilities of how to live a life without alcohol. And that I knew then of course, it's possible for me, I'm a smart, fully functioning, amazing woman. Well, of course I can do this. And so I take my class my clients through a process that is completely fail proof. Because when you keep showing up every week to a session, and you get to evaluate, we also make the plan for ahead of time, if there's something that you're going to be nervous about. We make the plan of how you're going to look at your drinking, if you're doing it how to evaluate if you didn't, you know plan for drinking and you and you drink anyway, we evaluate the process. We ditch the judgement and just come back to the wetness. And so all you have to do is you need to practice believing something new and how do you do that? Well, I know you've tried not to drink before and it was hard and it didn't work and that's because your mind and your thoughts running in the background, we're on the repeat of that old story. They're telling you, it's hard and awful. And I don't want to do this. So you have to first become aware of your current beliefs. And those thoughts that are there just aware, you just have to notice them, you don't have to have a judgement or opinion, you just have to know that they're actually there. And you have to just tell yourself that I deserve to look at this. Right? And call out your beliefs around alcohol. Just simply be like, okay, that's a thought that's a belief. Is this true? The thoughts about how life will never be the same? The thoughts about why you drink the all of the excuses that you're giving yourself, and then you plan ahead of time, decide what your normal drinking routine is? And then how do you want to feel right? What's a new thought that can help you? When everyone gets home after work, and you think I can't relax, and I'm stressed, question that. Is that true that you can't relax in any other way? Why do you believe this? How is this belief supporting you? Maybe it gives you an excuse for not slowing down or engaging with your family or going to that yoga class that you know would help you relax after work for maybe you're nervous to go, or that you don't need to ask for help from anyone. So you can prove that you can do it on your own. Or like no one can hold it against you if you ask for help. So why is this your only option that I can't relax any other way? You really have to question now? What are your other options? So the new thoughts that I want you to try to think and come up with your own is I'm worth seeing what's possible. There's a whole world out there that humans have created. If anything's possible, then so is this nothing is permanent. You can want one thing today and want something different tomorrow, you could move to Mexico today and come back tomorrow. I choose my own adventure. I love that thought. I don't need permission from anyone else to live my life. I can unlearn alcohol, the same way I learn other new skills. So think about something that you've learned something that you thought was impossible. And just apply those skills. If I can think anything is possible, what do I want to believe? Like? What do you really want to believe about alcohol? And then start practising? How do you want to feel? start practising that feeling the thoughts that create that just sit in, imagine it, get it in your body? what's preventing me from feeling that way on my own that way that you want to feel what alcohol was preventing you from finding that on your own? What are my beliefs around alcohol? Are they true? How can I find evidence from my past or the outer world to disprove them? My life is amazing, and it doesn't need altering. I am part of the earth and when the earth is altered, she's out of balance. And when I alter myself, I'm out of balance. And balance is where I find my power and my truth where I can tap into my natural wisdom and my intuition. I have everything I need right now to live a peaceful life. So remember this, I've been practising this a lot. The body is the medicine of the moment. When you start to just feel into discomfort at first or that racing mind drama. Move your body a little bit, just kind of move your joints joint circulation can be really good to really interrupt that. And then bring your beliefs into awareness. Start to watch them play out. Be honest with yourself about the real outcome of your drinking like are you really liking it anymore? Is it really doing for you what you continue to believe it is? get curious about new situations without alcohol. Decide ahead of time for the way that you want to feel. Come back into your body when your mind starts to take over. Find ways you enjoy your life and experience relaxation and pleasure without alcohol. You already have those. So bring those into light. If you like yoga, if you like hiking if you like biking, dancing, playing with your children. Listening to music What are some just you know, simply sitting and drinking your morning coffee? What are some ways you experience life and pleasure? That's not alcohol? Are you drinking alcohol? When you're doing things that maybe you just really don't want to be doing right? You feel kind of like forced to go somewhere and be with people that you're drinking because you don't want to be or you're not comfortable. Just start to understand those and see those. Finally, what if I simply just grew out of alcohol? What if it's a preference I just no longer have? What if it's that simple. To change that thought, from this place, preferring something different gives you freedom, to be thinking, feel whatever you want, rather than conforming to all the rules that you've heard about alcohol, which are just like, you know, a lot of marketing and control Really? Remember that alcohol is a big business. get curious about this thought? What are the parts of alcohol a still love? Like what do you love about alcohol? And how can you feel that? And is it really true that you love that? Like, what about that? Do you love like, just just get into all the beliefs, the depths of them? Can I get those on my own? And is there pleasure elsewhere available to me that I'm missing out on because my beliefs are blinding me from possibility. Have an amazing, amazing week, my friends, and I just think that you're wonderful, you're beautiful, and I know that you have what it takes to bring more awareness to your beliefs and start to really examine from a beautiful place, what it means to change your relationship to alcohol. Have an amazing day. Bye. If you're loving this podcast and you're ready to dive deeper, I want to invite you to check out my one on one coaching programme. It's your opportunity to actually study and then apply these tools and principles to your life to get the results you want most to stop drinking without pain. Learn to trust yourself again and then refocus your energy to reach that next level goal. Stop by my website Mary Wagstaff, or find the scheduling link in the show notes. I can't wait to connect