Stop Drinking and Start Living

Ep. #40 Leave Confusion, Reclaim Your Queendom w/ Alchemist Freedom Ciavarello

August 26, 2020 Mary Wagstaff Season 1 Episode 40
Stop Drinking and Start Living
Ep. #40 Leave Confusion, Reclaim Your Queendom w/ Alchemist Freedom Ciavarello
Show Notes Transcript

In a world where dissociation and disembodiment from the self and the natural world are the epidemics of our time, the mental, physical and spiritual health of the people suffering. In a world where chaos and confusion are always a reaction away, the unaligned self seeks support in the instant and concentrated reward of false pleasures that perpetuate pain. Intuitive Alchemist Queen Freedom Ciavarello, brings plants to the people for the Ultimate Level of Quantum Healing and Realignment, through remembering WHO we are at the most basic and subtle, yet profound level. Beyond what is even perceptible to the human mind, but KNOWN deeply in it’s effects in the waking life, we bring you plant allyship. 

Don't miss a chance to work with Freedom: HERE are here amazing offerings.
She offers monthly New Moon Gathers Virtual, Online as well as an AMAZING meditation membership.
IG @freedomciavarello

Transform your relationship with alcohol by focusing on yourself. Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help. Understand your body's signals, leverage your emotions, and expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join "The Naturally Sober Woman" self-study course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package. 

Awakened sobriety! Discover how to fulfill your needs without alcohol's help, labels or missing out! Expand your desires for real, lasting pleasure.

Join The Awakened Sobriety Self Study Course, where you'll learn everything I teach my clients in a compact, affordable, lifetime access package.

Welcome, welcome. My name is Mary Wagstaff. I am a life coach who ended a 20 year relationship with alcohol without labels, counting days, or ever making excuses. In this podcast, we will explore my revolutionary approach to quitting alcohol that breaks all the rules, amazing stories from women who are throwing a better party because of it, and how you can stop drinking and start living. The show is not a substitute for rehabilitation, medical treatment or advice. Please talk to a health professional, if you're alcohol consumption is a risk to your mental and physical health. Now on with the show. Hello, my beautiful listeners, thank you so much for being here, I'm really just loving the weather, I know it's the end of summer already. So enjoy these last few days, take your test, take yourself out and just enjoy the natural world and the warmth on your skin. And you know, being in your summer clothes. And that's one of my favorite things about summer. And so I just wanted to preface this interview with Don't miss it. First of all, because it is the next level that we're taking the show into embodied living, and how it really really is the subtleties of life that were that were the magic lives and that we're missing out on. So freedom to Morello, thank you so much for being on the show she she offers her deep, deep wisdom of alchemy, you know the inner elements and using the outer elements and the inner elements together to create alignment to really create magic in our lives to create the shift that we most want to see in ourselves. And when we are consuming alcohol, it's really impossible to tap into subtlety in a way that's going to have a really, really big shift. And so it's saying yes to that, and that's what happens through coaching is we can start to see the thoughts that are limiting you. But we can start to also open you up to possibilities of the things outside of just the thinking mind that human beings don't really have access to seeing that they need to experience more. But we know of the integrated, integrated hole that we live in, right that we are not separate from our natural world, and that everything in nature is here to support us. And from the framework of abundance that the earth is innately abundant, we can choose to be in that mindset, rather than in the scarcity mindset that is a construct created by humans, it doesn't actually exist in the earth itself. And so I would love for you to take these this last week of summer, and just breathe into the abundance around you. One of the thoughts that I've been working with is that as long as my basic needs are met, and I am safe, everything else is a bonus. As long as my basic needs are met, and I am safe, everything else is a bonus. And it really just shifts that to that the power of the present where in this moment, everything's okay. And I can choose to respond with grace to the next moment that might confront an emotion that you know takes my inner elements to a different place, right takes my inner elements a little bit out of alignment. And freedom expresses this like no one else. She is a master of words. And she guides us through an embodiment practice. So make sure you're in a safe place for that. I love her I love you freedom. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and all of freedoms information will be in the show notes. So make sure to really reach out to her because I've been working with her specifically with her programs and plant ally ship and it is changing my life in ways that I don't. Actually logically I mean, I do know but it's all this magic that's happening underneath the process. And the plant meets the people where we are lacking so there's no there's no negative effects. It just comes in like a hug. It just comes in like this little blanket of support. So and in this interview we talked about Obviously, the relationship to alcohol and how plant ally ship can really support that. So enjoy. Welcome back my beautiful listeners, thank you so much for being here again for another episode of stop drinking and start living. I am thrilled beyond. It is a very, very special day. And we are actually starting this episode as what I'm calling Season Two of the embodied living part of really what happens when we transform our relationship with alcohol. So I couldn't be more thrilled to introduce a very special friend, and partner Queen collaborator, freedom she vrlo freedom, intuitive alchemists and freedom. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being here. Our queens queen. Yes. I'm so excited. Thank you so much. Yes, I would love for you to just begin by telling our audience a little bit about what your daily magic is, which I know encompasses so much. And then if you could kind of explain the idea of intuitive alchemy, because those are big words that I think we all need to live into. But they're not, you know, as mainstream as I think that would be, perhaps would be great for everyone. So yeah, let us know what's going on. Guess queen. I am an intuitive Alchemist. I so alchemy is this blanket wisdom. alchemy is a universal truth. And it pierces through any kind of dissonance around demographic alchemy is present in every single wisdom tradition. And that's initially what had be fascinated with it. Our natural human need to belong, can be held very closely with alchemy. And it also serves as like this initial bridge into wisdom traditions, it's not intimidating because the elements are super intuitive. So intuitive alchemy is just frequency work. noticing what element is most dominant in yourself and or your environment, and then meeting that element with either its opposite or its cohort, so that you can create harmony, balance internally and externally. That's intuitive alchemy. Huh? Beautiful. Oh, my God. Yeah. That is really fun. It sounds like yeah, I mean, and it really is the the piece that I think is missing from so not just people who have a relationship with alcohol. But from so much of our modern day society is that dis disharmony and disconnect from this from the embodied experience. And so tell us a little bit about how you use that. I mean, how do you work with your clients, and share in the well 100. So the thing about this age that we're in, is, there is an epidemic of disembodiment. And disembodiment, I believe, is the epidemic of our time, in this Ascension time, and this five D transition, and the wisdom traditions that are waking, especially in women, but in all beings in the feminine and all beings, there's an opportunity to explore embodiment in this very articulate way. So I believe that confusion is what causes this embodiment. And the powers that be the world as it is at the speed at which it runs is what causes confusion. So the antidote to overwhelm, because we become overwhelmed when we get confused, is simplicity. So utilizing alchemy, a very simple system, five elements, we usually talk about four, and they're applicable in every single situation. They're notable. They're finable, they're holdable. They're feelable. And it gives the person an immediate opportunity to interact through their senses through their embodied being with the mystery that's around them. And it gives the person a grounded place to be and from that together, we can do anything. When I work with clients. I work with something I call reclaiming your queendom and this is an inner descent into the wildness within. It's learning how to free your voice via kind of a crash course in what your creative lifeforce is all about. I do this by showcasing the call of Gaia to return to the rhythm of her bestie la luna and articulating the seasonality of our times. So we all have a different season. All the seasons have a different elements. And if we can overlay create a grid by which to understand what's happening, we can essentially add or subtract accordingly and make harmony, like create balance. And that gives us decisiveness, which qualifies confusion. So we become embodied we know what we want, we also see where it is and how to get there. It's very simple, because it cuts through all these sort of inherited reasons about why and why not that excessive air from the mind. Yeah, yeah. Wow. And I just, you know, I couldn't think of a more perfect compliment. And this is, you know, this is part of the process of, of changing of changing your relationship to alcohol is to start to notice the body's wisdom. I mean, one of the first questions I asked myself was, Do I even want this? I mean, when we're in the state of confusion and overwhelm the question, you know, turns to the action, how can I change this next, but not inward? You know, whenever. It's like when everything else outside of you has failed to solve them? There's only one way right. Yeah, you're out of things to blame. Yeah, the thing about alcohol. Yeah, alcohol is the element of fire. Mm hmm. And it's qualified by its opposite water. So that's fire also governs anger, and buried anger. unfelt, anger becomes rage. That's why we say raging alcoholics. That's also why alcoholics become like very damp on the inside, they become very Copic, very slow moving, very uninspired, because there's this water fire in balance, and then the earth element of the body becomes very dense, and very dry from the excess heat. And it's especially sketchy, because, like, that's also why when we're in this alcohol state, I mean, I've had my, my play dates with booze, and all these different formats. I was bartender for years, as a career bartender, I never really drank, I had other things that I would disembody with. But I would witness this, I'll chemical imbalance. So clearly, so often. And from this kind of objective observer view, it's really interesting to see how the fire will get in balance, there's like anger or there's frustration, and then that the attempt to get out the water, the emotions will start to come out there will be dislike, oh, whatever flow state, nothing matters. And there's like this really interesting thing that happens. Alcohol is one of these things. That is how, what do I want to say? Like there's, I mean, you're so knowledgeable, too about it. But it's basically the frequency of alcohol, the resonance of alcohol is toxic. And there's no judgment around, you know, if any of these listeners are in their exploration, and they're looking for, you know, more understanding about why they're drinking, or how they're drinking, or what drinking even is, because that's really where to start, you know, why am I doing this? Do I even want this? What's really behind this, there's a courageousness, that's required to leave the sensation junkie archetype of alcohol, because that's what it does, like alcohol numbs out, or highlights the sensations that were either encouraging or avoiding. And it gives us this, like, vicarious life. Like we're living in the idea that we're alive, but we don't feel it. Yeah, so we don't really remember it. And then that's why people black out, they're not really there. And excessive, just burns away. And what I find most interesting about alcohol is that it's so everywhere. And it's so common. And I mean, we are in the Pacific Northwest here. And I remember when I moved here, and I was like, there's like whiskey at the coffee shop like this is really infiltrated into the culture here in this region in particular. So from here I've witnessed besides being a bartender, just the everyday sort of nonchalance around what I believe is actually a poison. And again, there's no judgment, but to have a clear channel is to be empowered, especially as women or in the feminine, and to be able to be with your intuition, authentically, and most importantly, in real time. That's where the alchemy is, it's in real time. What happens with alcohol is it takes us into a different timeline. Like we're in this all the bad memories of before or all the future how So we're making it impossible, like we're anywhere, but right here. And it's this kind of thing with fire, where it's the element that needs the most attention. Because fire gets out of control the fastest, like, you could be holding a match, and then all of a sudden your house is on fire. Like, it's very quick. You're either like in a cozy campfire, or you're in a forest fire, like fire has, like an attitude is an initiator. And in that sense, you know, coming back from alcoholism, or finding yourself in a space where you would say, Okay, my relationship with alcohol is unhealthy. Well, you're essentially saying is also that, like, it is too hot. Mm hmm. And you can really simplify it that way. Because alcohol loves a story. Alcohol loves reasons why. And it's built into our culture, it's honestly, like, it's literally insane. This idea of like, continuous toxicity, as well. And that's why, you know, I really, it really is about personal empowerment, and why not me what my mission isn't to take down the alcohol industry, because when we live in the society that we live in, of consumerism, capitalism, patriarchy, you know, there's always going to be something outside of yourself. And I mean, even regardless of that, there's always going to be a threat in the environment. And so you know, it's the personal and body embodiment practice and empowerment practice, that's going to be the most useful because it's like, you don't want to wait, spend your time fighting all the things you just want to be able to discern clearly, yes, and no, you know, and that's one of the things I love about what you teach, is, you've really bypassed this idea that alcohol has to be bad. Yeah. And instead, you've just gone into the person can be inherently good. And like, that's the way to cut through it, you know, like not to put like, what we feed is going to grow. So if we focus on the alcohol, the alcohol is just going to be the thing. Yeah, but the alcohol doesn't have the actual, there's no earth element. Mm hmm. It doesn't have stability, it's a moving target. And that's why it's so hard to escape. That's why it's so entangling. Right? Well, and you know, and I really, the, the work that I do with my clients is that I say, you know, I tell them, this is the framework for everything else like insert, yes, you want my goddess, you know, I mean this, and just stop and start here. But if you if you're solely focused on this is bad, and I'm taking this down, and yeah, like, we know, alcohol is not good for your body, it is a poison. But, you know, so we, so we take embodiment back and power back through, say, you know, how do I want to treat this vessel? And what is what is the intuitive wisdom of my body telling me about this substance, because you could, you could put in anything, but if we're just fighting the alcohol industry, then there's going to be the next thing anyway. And so yeah, it's that discernment piece. One of the things that you said that I really loved and I think this is so confusing for so many people with alcohol is that, that people kind of get into this quote, unquote, like false flow state when they're drinking, and I think that that's that piece that when when people are deciding to change the relationship that they can't see past it's because it's the only way they've been embodied, is in the right, like loosey goosey. It's this false sense of freedom. And I, I, you know, and on the other side of it is really, you know, handcuffs. And sometimes literally, yeah, exactly. And so I think I think that that's the piece that route people get really hung up on is like, how do I get to that to that place on my own and of course, it takes time but then this might kind of cycle around a little bit to you know, to plan ally ship. And you know, how you found freedom through embodiment with you know, even you know, your personal, your personal journey, and then how you apply the plants to help people find the freedom through, you know, actual real time embodiment rather than this false sense of a false sense of freedom. Yeah, Queen, that's a really solid because it is that false sense of freedom that traps people essentially they become intoxicated by a foe liberation. Mm hmm. And they lose sight of what they actually are here for are capable of and started out wanting to do. Like people start out having a cocktail or a glass of wine or whatever because they want to have a good time and then sometimes This, these other things happen sometimes great times happen. Like, I also want to stress like, I don't believe alcohol is inherently a bad thing. I mean, I make my tinctures with honey liquor, you know, it's not like it's a bad thing like alcohol can be a facilitator in some ways, however, is the level of embodiment that's required. To combat that level that is such an extreme elemental Association, you really have to have a handle on all the other three. And most people, this this association, it's honestly just easier. So my journey started in disassociated behavior. I had an eating disorder for most of my life for about 28 years. And this is a really long time, considering I'm 35 years old. So this started when I was six, almost seven. And it was a really painful time. But it was my first experience with being able to control my environment, because when we have kind of a chaotic environment. And when we're children, trauma in some way, the thing that we can control is what we consume. And there's not really a lot else we can control because you know, we can't drive, we can't leave, we can't really speak with a vocabulary that is impactful, we don't seem to affect our adults enough to make change in our environment. But we can create this full liberation around freedom by controlling what we consume. So I went into eating disorder land, and it was terrible for ever, it was terrible forever. And I kept going back and forth. There's a horrible quote that I heard when I was a teenager. And this might resonate with some of your audience or yourself, you could also apply it to alcohol. But the quote is from Kate Moss, who is a famous model blesser, in the 90s. And she said, Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. And I was like, Oh, my God, my soul, because I believed that to be true. And I still, in some ways, see the truth in it. Because what it's really saying is nothing is as great as being into belonging. Like when you feel like you fit in, and you don't have to think about your actions or something like there's like this confidence that comes it's not really yours, though, is the problem. how it interacts with damage is that it's not actually your own. So I went into an eating disorder land, and it got really complicated when my father passed away. And I was anorexic for most of my life. And then I transitioned into being bulimic. And then I went back and forth between the two, it's actually been researched that anorexia can become bulimia in extreme bouts of grief. And there's energetic correlations there that are really interesting. And that is how I came into play ally ship. So I was in this super dark, damp, just excessive dissociation. I didn't really feel or remember anything. And this is like a long time My father died when I was 21. I also became a bartender that year. And I went on this kind of journey in that transition between 18 and 28. Like right before my son returned, it was really disembodied, like, really heavily on the earth. Like I smoked, ridiculous amounts of cannabis like girl, it was redonk like, I would wake up and smoke. I would smoke all day, I would go to work. I was smoking. It was like, all the things I worked reggae shows, it was like all the time. And I mean, it was like, it was like real. Yeah. And but I didn't feel like I was I didn't feel bad. Like, you know that. So that's what's confusing about disassociative behaviors, you're not feeling anything, so you don't actually feel bad. But there's this kind of ache to feel whole, the Han co conscious individual, and I was haunted by this desire. So I looked for, you know, men, I looked for, you know, substances I looked for experiences, I looked everywhere except inside myself. And then I encountered this woman who introduced me to somatic work, which I teach now breathwork and somatic experiencing, which is embodiment, practice, profound, and plant allies. She introduced me to geranium essential oil. And geranium is a really powerful ally for grief. She works with the liver, so she works with dissolving resentment and anger. It's also Have a heart tonic being able to trust. So distrusting ourselves that's very it's a potent thing in the feminine. It's been a potent thing in the feminine for hundreds of years now, because there were burnings, there were reasons to doubt, our own initiative powers, the way that we can initiate movement. And that's a sidebar, however, so geranium essential oil, really, I remember, she opened the bottle, and she handed it to me. And I was like, cool, essential oil, like, right on, I've seen this at Whole Foods, you know, and I took a breath of it. And then I used it in a breath, work, Somatic Experiencing practice. And I, like, went into these tremoring experiences, like completely profound awakening moment from this simple limbic reaction. So essential oils, and plant allies, they work on your limbic brain, your olfactory system is how they enter your limbic brain, that's your sense of smell, your sense of smell is your deepest form of memory, and the tether to neuro pathological change, which is what we have to do when we break disassociated behavior, we have to go into our deep, subconscious mind, because it's running automatically, we have to stick the spoke, like put a stick in that spoke and disrupt the automation, we do that very effectively with scent and your limbic brain. That's aromatic usage, internal usage, I went into right away, because I was so impacted by even just smelling it. The internal usage, essential oils, you know, plants are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. And also you, the individual, the human is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. So these are things that are easily assimilated and accepted and absorbed internally. Essential oils are so small, that they pass the blood brain barrier, they enter the cell wall unobstructed. So they can actually impact on a cellular level health. And this is science, beyond just the smell. It's very profound. Anything that you touch, in any way touches your skin comes into your nose comes into your mouth, anything goes into your bloodstream, it goes into your brain, and it's in that brain place. And that blood place that we can actually facilitate change internally. And the internal reflects the external, the external reflects the internal so as we go for harmony and balance as we alchemize our experience. And so all the plant allies, they also have different elements. And geranium is a flower. So she's associated with the element of water. And there are all kinds of wisdom traditions that overlay what water means the frequency of water is memory. So it's no surprise that you can unpack deep seated resentment from old wounding that you remember with geranium. And that was just my first experience. From there. I went like headfirst into what the fuck are plants? Because I didn't know I mean, as I'm from Hollywood, California, there isn't a lot of natural things, natural behaviors. There's a natural foods industry, but that's different than actual nature like other than like mama ocean. In Los Angeles proper, there isn't really that celebration. And I mean, you know, we have a birthright to rhythms. So living weather aren't really seasons also confuses about that kind of thing. So, geranium was my introduction. And going forward. From there, I started to develop essentially a program, what I what I now call protocols that I essentially prescribe to people to help them combat what they're working with, on a physical level of emotional level, spiritual level, the psycho spiritual being the energetic field level, all of the different levels are addressed by the plants because they're assimilated physically. They're understood mentally. And they have a certain, like Jenna said, about the spirit that can't be contained or explained really, it's just an impact of resonance. It's a frequency. So aligning oneself with the frequency of the plant allows you to embody the wisdom that that plant carries and facilitate change in your physical life and your 3d experience because we can talk a lot about meditation which I also teach meditation, we can talk A lot about body practices or things. But it's just talk until there's a feeling if you don't feel things you can't change, right? It's impactful. Mm hmm. Yeah, I am, excuse me, I have been saying, you know, that the tools have been really encouraging people. And I and I didn't even do this. I mean, conceptually, these ideas are not plan ally ship, but even practicing yoga and meditation. Conceptually, you can know them and even yoga, you can know, on your mat and in your body, but until you actually, that's when you're, you know, you're feeling great, you're excited to show up, you have the container to hold you. But until you actually need a tool, you know, off of that the application of it is, is when it's the most important. And I think that plant allies are so accessible and so useful that, you know, it doesn't, there's such an impact with really a small amount of work, and real and observation. Yeah, you literally just open a bottle, I mean, and the bottle will fit in your pocket. Like it's not like these other things where you need to completely transition your entire environment, like it's the opposite this, this item will transition your environment. Yeah, um, I didn't want to have you explain something because I feel like some people might not understand the concept of somatic practices and even embodiment in itself. And, you know, talking about the resonance of plant allies and plants, having a frequency that resonates with our body chemistry on its own as a symbiotic relationship, I think is so foreign to how we are brought up and how we live our lives. And what I like to explain to people is that everyone has had the experience of being in nature and feeling a calmness or being, you know, at the ocean and experiencing kind of that, that wonder and awe and I think that that's a way for people to kind of understand and relate to that. But I would love for you to just kind of even give an example about somatic practices as in terms of embodiment, and then also Yeah, the experience of plant ally ship kind of in our in our everyday world, too. Yeah, definitely. So Well, there's two ideas. There's one we can do one, if you want to. Okay, yeah, yeah. experiential. Yeah. So experiential with somatic is actually really cool. So if you're listening right now, and you're, you know, driving or walking around or something, and you're not able to take a seat, you can just come back to this practice. But if you are seated, or you're in a space where you can kind of close your eyes, where to start by closing our eyes, and taking our hands upward, facing somewhere on our legs, and just having this sensation of hands that are skyward facing, and then eyes if it's comfortable for you that are closed, or are gently looking down, kind of looking at your nose, a slight tuck of the chin. This is a practice called flower hand. And I use this almost every day to recalibrate my nervous system and return to my feeling to my sensation. So we'll begin just by noticing the reality that we're breathing. We have our breath, it's evidence that we still have time. We have our breath, we have evidence that there is still time. And so we'll take a few breaths here. Trying to tap into the feeling physically of your body moving ever so slightly as you're breathing, so you might feel your little belly moving. You might feel your chest rising and falling and you might feel the sides of your expanding. From here, we'll count down from 10 we'll go 10 nine is breathing. Don't worry, you're not being hypnotized. Eight, seven, breathing six 543 breathing, two and one breathing. Maybe finding your awareness in that space behind your eye, and that magic dark space behind your eyes. Allow your awareness to descend down your body down your arms and into the palms of your hands. And to bring into your mind the idea of feeling your hands and then investigate Can I physically feel my hands and temperature tension and pressure on the back of my hand and my leg. Breathing and attempting to feel as much as you can both of your hands and the eyes closed, you might move your fingers a small bit, just a little teeny, seeing how that changes anything. And then from here, if your next breath in, you'll stretch your hands out wide and fingers and the thumbs apart from each other and breathing all the way in. And then as you exhale, very gently, take the fingers and the thumb together towards the center of your hands. Just like a flower would close and open and going with your breath. Whenever you breathe in. Open the hands some mild effort, stretching the hands all the way open expansion. And then whenever you exhale slowly with feeling jaw, the fingers and the thumb together to touching. See if you can feel that moment right before your hands actually touch. Continuing with your breath. Whenever you're inhaling you're opening and you're expanding through whenever you exhale, you're drawing it and connecting and noticing if they're touching at the same time or different. Just like a flower would open and close in the morning and the evening. I'll do one more full round. Noticing if you're holding your breath because you're focused. Sometimes we hold our breath when we concentrate on putting your hands gently open after your last one. And just letting your hands be open to seeing each other change in sensation in the hands of noticing if you feel your hands more than you felt before. Taking one more full breath here. And then drying your hands together. Take your hands towards prayer or just connect the hands If we had an essential oil practice here, you'd essentially be imprinting your experience with that frequency, but that scent, and any associations, but that scent that are made in your meditation or your physical practices can get embodied or absorbed. And depending on the meaning of each ally, the spiritual context, however we absorb it, whatever word we want to use, meaning is kind of a neutral one. We can start to imprint ourselves with the idea. So if I'm working with trust, I would use geranium. If I'm working with truth, I might use Frankincense. I am working with focus, I might use lemon. If I want to work with the unveiling, I might work with copaiba. And there are so many. That was amazing and beautiful. Like, I mean, I actually got my geranium out and had a little bit. Yes. Oh, beautiful. Yeah, geranium. If you want to grow, you take some you put it on your liver right now. I love that. So yes, I think I think for our our audience, I mean, I just think for the world, I mean, really like the and I think that that is the biggest problem with meditation is it ends up being like, That was beautiful, because it really was about not not disassociating from the moment, but really embodying the moment. And I think more and more from just some research that I've been doing the concept. I mean, and they there have been people talking about this for a long, long time. But the concept of simply finding a relaxed state, rather than which no girl, right, which is just balance and harmony. And that, you know, we can all kind of feel what a cathartic release is like, and then when we add in the plant ally ship, and so rather than, you know, getting rid of the thoughts we can from a relaxed or balanced state, take that witness perspective to start to just view from this neutral place like, oh, what's been going on and the depths of the shadows of the subconscious for the casual. So yeah, that was beautiful. Thank you. I love that meditation. I feel like I might have to borrow that one. Girl, it's one of my favorite practices. I do it sometimes in the grocery store. Yeah, like, I'll just use my hand to breathe. And it's just so soothing. Because, you know, we live in a very overwhelming world, I will argue that it is designed to overwhelm, there's a benefit for some cultural things if we can't pay attention, because we're so overwhelmed and terrified. Yeah, so to be able to embody, it's actually a revolutionary act, to be able to stay neutral. And, you know, notice the trigger, and be with the trigger and let it pass through us. It's not easy, for sure, it's a practice. But the benefits far outweigh living inside of that fear state. I mean, there's nothing worse than living in fear. And it's normalized. You know, what we learn how to be afraid. We're taught how to be afraid of certain things. And, you know, to unlearn is to reclaim that queendom whether you Be a man or a woman, physically, there is an element there of breaking down fear. so important. Yeah, um, I'm gonna pause us just for one second, I'm sorry. Oh, no, do it right here. So can you talk a little bit about just, you know, how that did start to shift for you. When you you know, you said you had this really profound experience with the geranium and then doing somatic practices. And so that practice is about tuning into the sensations of the body. And then so how did that start to just shift your awareness of the fact of being disembodied? Yeah, you know, that's a great question. And it's actually it's, it's so oddly simple. It's just that your body, my body knows what I know. And if I placed myself in a position to hear, or to be able to translate its language, I know what I am to do. And my external environment will become what I need it to be. I'll make choices that will manifest externally what I need. And the most interesting thing from being disembodied to be embodied is the interaction with desire. So desire and passion are something that are symptomatic of the waking, feminine, the rising feminine, this kind of upward spiral that we're all sort of interacting with right now, especially. And it is such a dynamic sensation, it demands change so sweetly, but directly, that we can't help but take an action. And we know internally, inside of ourselves, we know that actions create change, and change neuro pathological you registers as death in our mind avoids change, it's programmed to do that to keep us safe. So the cross referencing the essential oils to put the stick in the spoke of the pattern, and then the practice is to facilitate the absorption of the new information. When you overlay those two, you've got this ability to change, liberated, like you have a liberation around embodiment, because you're not afraid of it anymore. A lot of times, you know, how many times have we avoided putting ourselves in a position where we would have a clear answer, like we say, We want the clear answer, but then we get the opportunity to get really clear. And we're like, oh, that was cool. Now I know it's there, I'll just, I can go back there any time. When it's like more convenient from my current life. We have these opportunities all the time, to essentially table flip our life. And what our mind says is Oh, man, that's going to create like a huge mess, that's going to be damaged, everything's gonna get ruined, you're gonna die. But what God goddess, what source what universe is saying, Oh, no, Queen, this is the way because all of the things on the table are blocking you from coming closer to me. And the courage that is innately in the feminine, the resilience that innately in the feminine, can handle that pressure change, it can, but you have to feel your way through it, the individual has to feel their way through it. And sometimes, there's such a backup of backlog of emotion, that it takes a lot of time to break through. And that accidentally confuses the individual into thinking it's not for them, it's not possible. I'm just going to do this. Instead, I'm going to stay with what works, I'm going to stay with what I know, whether it be you know, the devil but you know, or the angel, you're still staying with what you know, you're keeping yourself small, and the universe, it's designed to expand. We are expanding all the time. Occasionally, we bump up against our environment. And that's what creates agitation. But somehow we missed the memo about changing the environment. Instead, we try to change ourselves to try the stuff ourselves into the smaller places, when we are getting bigger every day. And it's very interesting, this whole thing. Because embodiment like intersects that when we accurately feel our feelings, there's no doubt in what's true. Like when we have an intuition, we have a pings and people call it a pain about doing something, I'll call this person. And then our mind comes in with like, Oh, you haven't called them in a while they're gonna think you want something like, last time you talked, it was weird, you know, blah, blah, blah, and you don't do it. And then you find out later, you know, that person just lost someone special to them, or that person calls you right back, you know, for that person like, there's these to clear the channel by becoming trusting of sensation, facilitate, like, epic growth, epic connection to the rhythm of the universe, and stick a little bit tangential but the embodiment practice is what connects the human to the source because We have a body, it gets confusing with a lot of meditation practices like you were kind of referencing earlier because they actually create this embodiment because they create fantasy. Like, sometimes visualization is disembodiment practice. Or sometimes people practice this embodiment like they, they astral travel, but they don't have an accurate embodiment practice before they go out of body, or a lot of people, you know, they leapfrog embodiment, and they do like I waspa. And they do disembody they go into the spirit realm, but then when they come back, nothing makes sense. You know, it's like, sometimes people will go into these extremes, either disembodied or hyper embodied, like some people are, like I was saying earlier, they're sensation junkies, and they, they have too much feeling. Mm hmm. And so they crave disembodiment. But overall, when we are connected to when we can feel a resonance, our body will remember that, like, we remember the resonance of the womb, when we're out in nature, you were speaking to nature earlier, when we're out forest bathing, we're out in nature, and there's that calm sensation that's from a chemical molecule called alpha pinene. And alpha pinene, is present in like Douglas fir trees, and Douglas fir essential oil. So we can actually facilitate that state with the plant allies, whether we're out there in them having a physical imprint, or we need that imprint to come to us when we're not in that space. And so, the tether, right there with the allies, that's where they really become so epic, is that we have access to those frequencies all the time. It's almost like the internet, like the how the internet you can access anything, a book, a quote, whatever you need to find out. Instead of using your mind, it's external. It's like that the oil is like the feeling inside you that you need to call out call for. But you need something to initiate it. Mm hmm. Yeah, I think I want to look up that chemical. I didn't know that. That's amazing. But yeah, you're in it to back. Wow. I mean, thank God, Oh, awesome. Thank goodness, it's really been, um, one of the things I feel like, is so challenging for most people in it, and it was for me, and it could just be timing that idea that, you know, we only receive what we're ready to receive kind of when we're ready. But is, you know, especially in comparison to alcohol is that it's, sometimes the work seems tedious because of the subtlety. And, but it doesn't have to be and for me, you know, I've been practicing yoga and mindfulness, quote, unquote, mindfulness for years in certain cities, but when it came time to, to the deep embodiment, and really, the divine feminine, I mean, I think that you spoke to this, it that is one of the biggest disconnects of our power is, oh, yeah. And to the divine feminine. And so when I intuitively was like, Something's got to give and it needs to be from, you know, I need to go into to find out what the hell is missing. It was really the calling of the divine feminine and she, and then like, the goddess called me home. Yeah, everything just fell into place. I mean, every switch flipped, and all of my intuition just got super heightened and turned on. And then the subtleties of life became so much more powerful. And I was like, holy could just take a deep breath and relax. But I think getting to that point, there's so much resistance to, you know, how could What if you're, like, used to raging it, you know, in parties all night or whatever, like, how can I go, you know, how can like snake oils, you know, kind of get me to this place, and it does. And then you actually feel whole and holy and healthy. So, yeah, I mean, do you have any suggestions for people? I mean, besides just, I just, I really comes from, you know, belief like believing that they're there. We are part of the symbiotic world, right? Yes. Yeah, we are. I do. So I offer actually free half hour one on ones for anyone that would want to explore this idea of like a how to connect or how to choose, but there's an interesting parallel To what you're seeing right now, and I would compare it for people that are in the alcohol space, it's the same as developing a tolerance. Mm, like we have a tolerance to life. We grow that tolerance the same way we grow the tolerance to alcohol through more experience or more regular use, right? When I drink life more, I get more available to it. Same thing with alcohol, when I drink alcohol more, I mean, we all remember having one cocktail. We were like, Okay, and then often we can have 10, right? So for life, people can experience one thing, or they can go through a whole day with presence. It does take time, it's the same idea because our body works in the earth rhythm, the Earth is not in a fucking hurry. The earth is like, bitch, please, I will take my time. I have these months and be seasons, and it's so glorious, and like, watch me go, like, why should we change, and we wait for it, we celebrate the peak of summer, we celebrate the depths of winter, we celebrate, you know, the harvest, and the new beginnings, the resurrection of the world in the spring. And there's a power in understanding that there is not really a minute, there's actually only moment. And to facilitate our own timeline, not living our life in minutes, it's moment to moment reality, that's what makes momentum. That's what reality is. And, you know, living like with the oils, especially so what they're doing is they're basically helping you to develop a tolerance to sensation where you don't have it. So there's different oils for different things. And there's different elements for different things. And the combination of the two is very individual. That's why I really like working one on one with people. It's a deeper dive into what's possible. And every individual's story is so gorgeous and unique. I've also had a very intense life, I've had a lot of intense experiences. And so I have a lot of physical memory of experiences that a lot of people disembody from and, and I can speak to the elements in that way that is unique. I'm also positive that they have an effect because of that. And you know, we all know belief is the first part. So to qualify doubt, we have to have proof, you have to have a physical experience. And the oils are so generous that way, because there's simple, so simple, I even just diffusing in a room with a diffuser, you're actually dosing your environment with a vibe. And that vibe is transformative. I will speak to essential oils to just quickly, I'm very specific about the essential oils that I use. Because essential oils, plant allies in all different forms are very trendy, so they're prone to corruption. And I work with a company that is a privately owned company, there are no shareholders, they are able to put people over profits and really give back to Gaia in a way that feels so abundant and authentic. And I celebrate that, for sure. If you are like your audience, if you're curious about essential oils, you really need to vet your sourcing, because most essential oils are actually perfumes, chemical constituents that are designed to mimic plants. And they actually create a detox reaction because they're sort of neuro toxins, which I know is a big word and kind of hard to hear. But it's a sad reality of what we do to the earth often, in order to mimic more, just more ness. Like, you know, like I could buy this essential oil and it's $23 I could buy lavender from freedom, it'd be $23 or I could buy lavender from you know, Marshall's or TJ Maxx and it'd be like $3 right, but I can tell you right now that lavender is actually you know, going to it's like it's just I mean it's I don't want this to be like you know, smack talking things but for medicinal use. You have to go with quality over quantity. It's immeasurably important. And something that I really appreciate about my company is that they have a website called source to you where you can actually look up the exact chemical composition of the bottle in your hand like No other company does this. And it's really, first of all, it's fascinating. Because there's different batches that have different amounts like say of Alpine. Right? So it's interesting, like, Oh, I wonder what you know, now I have these two or whatever I can like compare them, and it gets really fun. And the region's, you know, plants grow best, what you're looking for with essential oils, when you're using them therapeutically is purity and potency. And so for something to be potent, it has to be grown in season. And for something to be pure, it has to be unobstructed. So when we harvest our rose from Bulgaria, we only harvest that rose at the right time when this rose is ready to be harvested. And then we only seem to still the petals, like don't put in the rose bush, because that would be easier, and risk getting all these other things inside of this precious plant ally. It's pure. And because of that, it's more of an investment. Because you are only with plants, like the amount of plants when people tell me that they're when they're in scarcity. And like you need essential oils, because the mere amount of Earth matter that goes into a bottle to make essential oil is profound. Like we don't really have a connection to where things come from. And a lot of our modern culture, like we're like, oh, the grocery store, but it's also the truck and the farm and the person and the frickin seed. Right. So like, essential oils, you know, you need so much plant matter, there are hundreds of roses. Like there are thousands of roses, in the absolute rose, there's hundreds of roses in the rollerball, it's one of my favorite oils to work with it's rose. And just something to really put out there. Invest in the purity and the potency of your essential oils. Because you will go faster and farther. Not that we're in a race, but you're faster and farther. We'll know if this process really important. There's enough toxic out there we don't need more in my opinion. Well and it's kind of you know, the the opposite of what we're talking about to where it I mean it it's concentrated and it is abundant in in the fact of like there's so much in such a small amount like one drop has such a profound effect. Oh my god, and I can definitely speak to to that to the potency as far as even feeling like when I go so I I work with freedoms, I buy oils through doTERRA with her and his it's amazing I mean she I feel like I am going to actually treat you know to a treatment and like a prescription of myself when I and it's very ritualistic and it and freedom has so much knowledge of describing the dose I mean she really is this Alchemist and I wanted to before we go I want to make sure everyone has your contact info but I you know when I'm when I was kind of reflecting back on this idea of the divine feminine and living in cyclical nature and how you know, in our society we really don't we honor the seasons by these by like holidays, right? These like fake Yeah, are driven like ways that we celebrate the seasons. And so I've always had a big connection to nature I spend a lot of time in nature by myself smoking pot also, as I mean it's a vibe. But I mean, you know, at least that was you know, I guess it's all plants but I don't know cannabis is a plant and if you're not abusing cannabis, the same as the tincture, same as the honey look or in the in the tincture, that's also alcohol. But there's a I'm doing it on purpose with with purpose. Well, right and that's such a small amount too. And I mean, yeah, CBD as we know is just as powerful in the copaiba Yeah, I was just gonna say that that's another that's a great thing to talk about. If anyone is working with CBD, I would love to introduce you to copaiba and just talk about the difference between the different kinds of cannabinoid females which is what CBD is. Yeah, but keep going go well, maybe we can do like a tiny little like article in a newsletter or something about that because that would be amazing. I would love to send out your info me like with this episode, too with the newsletter too. I love that. But is um First way I think of really, and I didn't reflect on this until now of embodiment of the cycles of the self in relation to the cycles of the Earth is through making sure we're close to our own personal monthly cycles, and whatever shows up. And that was my first, that was the transition point for me Actually, of starting an embodiment practice in a different way. Because I could like physically feel my body moving, and I could do all the things and yoga or even Dan, but when I saw the subtle rhythms of the emotions and how they corresponded with my own personal cycle, and then in relation to the seasons that overlapping, that was when I started to really get that sense of the you know, that innate empowerment have a different type of control. That was, that was natural, like, it wasn't control, but it was just, it was truth, right? Well, what you have there, it's like, yeah, like you don't have control, but you have an embodied awareness that makes you think you have power, which we understand us control, right. So like, what you've actually done there is you try them over the idea that you're controlling, and instead, you're falling into the reality of influence. We can't control. We can influence. Yeah, and we can influence by supporting our cycles. You don't have to be a leader to understand the rhythm of the earth because we have the moon. The moon is the rhythm of the earth, the women, it ties to the moon. Yeah, that has menstruation. But I mean, Crone wisdom is the moon made in wisdom is the moon. Well, I just wanted to say too, I mean, we've even as women and society, we've even been disembody from that there's this YouTube commercial right now, that is, like, drives me crazy every time I see it. And it's like, just talking about how gross periods are. And like, oh, like, thing, all that things that are wrong with it. And then you know, they're set, she's, they're selling a product. So I think it's like some kind of like, cup, but, um, or whatever. I don't know, but I'm just like that right there. And we know, you know, in the medical industry and all these things, but that right, there is such a disassociated like that we have been looking at this beautiful cycle. That is our empowerment, that is our power place, I mean that as the creators of life. And I mean, I really have to tap into that. Like, here's the thing, because we aren't we're two generations deep into this idea now, and almost three generations deep into this idea that menstruation is dirty, inconvenient, and a problem. And I would just love to talk about someday maybe with you, maybe one of you Episode Two, of just the reality that the womb space is the epitome of holy. It is a holy sacred space that should be respected and worshipped. Because life comes from the blood that comes out of the womb is actual. Love, lifeforce. Yeah, has the composition to create another human. That is ridiculous to me, like the idea that there was a cell that split into two and then became me, right, that the profundity of its it's right. Yes. Oh, and what is that? their stuff? You know? Oh, that's amazing. That to me is a great a great place to start. I mean, yes, we it is a holy place it. I mean, I would say it is the Holy Grail. But of course, those have gotten bastardized as well. Yeah. Whoops. But here we are talking about it. And so yeah, we're bringing it back. And we and I am very interested in potency. And I'm hoping everyone calls and talks to you and oh, I would love it and get yes oils doTERRA essential oils in the hands of all my clients as well. But where to get good, like what would be a good oil to start to connect to the Divine Feminine essence in that way? with like, specifically moon cycle with her, you know? Oh, yeah. The way that you show up to to identify with that whether or not you're bleeding, the feminine that feminine cycle of, of the moon inside. Mm hmm. And 100%. Clary, sage. Okay, yeah, clary sage. clary sage is also an estrogen mimic. Because those of you that have thyroid things or are curious about the emotions that happen when your estrogen will drop off in your booty. face. clary sage clary sage is the oil of the inner visionary intuition. And she's really rivaled only by Blue Lotus, which is like an impossible oil to get pure Blue Lotus tea is the best way to work with Blue Lotus unless you get lucky and you get doTERRA has it every. It's like they've never really had it before. They just had it in a Mother's Day kit. So I have this like gold precious glass box, little bottle of it. I know Mary has one too. But I think it's like a Monday or a nun die. There's like a company out of New York. I'm butchering the name, but they actually have a Blue Lotus tea. And they just came out with a rose powder that I've living off of. So Clary, say it's Yeah, honestly, ridiculous. It's been one of my new medicine ones. It's really awesome. The clary sage is going to be profound. That is a really good one if there's trauma. geranium is really good, like so you could start you could do clary sage. And then we could talk about, you know, what exactly you're trying to facilitate. And then you would pair with clary sage, something but if you were just going to have one, clary sage, and then get these one on ones, the half our one on ones, it's really where I you know, I can really help people look at things because it's very overwhelming. We have like 200 oil, and they're all different. And sometimes I'm like this weird. It's like, like which encyclopedia. So I know I can get overwhelming with the amount of information I have. So I like to simplify it for people. And when people work with me, they have you know, I they have access to me like I am like their encyclopedia. So you don't have to remember the things you can just text me I'm very, I'm very open that way. Like I run a lot of my things face to face, like I mean, well now, or maybe later, depending on when this episode comes out. You know, FaceTime, zoom, all that because I work with people all over the world. And I'm really excited to be able to showcase this. Yeah, you can find me at moonbeam and I'm sure that Marissa will put it in her show notes. You can email me freedom at lindian Daydream calm, and then I'm on Instagram, at freedom, Trevor reylo, which I'll give it dollar if you can spell that right the first time, but I'm sure she'll put it in the show notes too. I would absolutely love to connect with you. There's a booking situation in my little link tree. If you're curious about these one on ones and I have classes on alchemy all the time you pick up my mailing list, you'll get all the deets. Yeah, the claim your queendom clean. Yes. Reclaim Your queendom that is Yep, that is the process of what we're doing here. This isn't just about changing your relationship with alcohol. This is about changing your relationship with self with your life with the feminine with receiving and allowing and receiving. Yes, just a wealth of knowledge and just fun and funny. Down to Earth and practical. Yeah, I love it. But adding the essential oils and I just talked about essential oils in my yoga class the other day and I got a girl I got a queen that knows it really has changed has changed my you know so much of this is about ritual to and about how we show up to eat goodness that is our lives and so this is just a part of a part of changing the ritual in a way that is received by the body in and welcomed welcomed by the body. So that your full Yeah, it's quenching a thirst. Yeah, you know? Yeah, freedom. Thank you so much. And I am just thrilled to get your information out to our audience. Oh my God, thank you everyone needs this magic especially in these times we need real support can really you know can really support the body with immunity with mental physical spiritual health and all the ways and and our mama our mama guy has just created it for us. So yeah, it's all right there. Have an amazing day. And I oh my gosh, you soon. Yes, Queen. I love you. Love you. The process of unraveling your story outside of the confines of alcohol is truly a sacred and beautiful journey of yourself. rediscover who you are, and a whole new world again. Stop by my website Mary Wagstaff to get instant access to the on demand workshop of my revolution. missionary five shifts approach. And while you're there, you can sign up for a one on one consultation, where we will create together your life intention. This is the framework for which all of your decisions around alcohol are made from your truest and highest self. In addition to working remotely worldwide, I host private one on one healing retreats at my sanctuary in Mount Hood for again, I can't wait to connect